Most shrubs are pruned after flowering and generally this is done by removing old branches or branches which cross, or are likely to cross during growth. Further pruning and thinning may be needed but some shrubs e.g. mock oranges (philandelphias), deutzias, ribes and forsythias only flower on their second year of growth.
Some plants can have similar names but require different maintenance and if pruned incorrectly can leave it without any flowers e.g. spirea ‘snowmound’ only flowers from the second year of growth whereas the spirea ‘gold flame’ will flower the same season after a hard prune. It can be pruned down to 6’’ off the ground or trimmed into a shape in the autumn and it will re-grow and fully flower in the next season. Another example of this is buddlia globosa which flowers on the second year of growth, unlike the normal buddlia davidii which should be pruned hard in the autumn and will then rapidly grow and flower in late summer.
As part of our services we trim, lower and plant hedges. When planting a hedge we will give you several choices to help you with your decision but it will depend what you need the hedge for e.g. for security, a screen or a boundary hedge. E.g. for security the following hedge could be used pyracantha, hawthorn, blackthorn. For screening leylandii, laurels, beech, privet and taxus are most common.
Anyone can trim hedges but to get them straight and level it takes skill, a good eye and the best equipment. Pruning hedges needs to be done at the right time of the year, when it’s not too hot or cold. Cutting them during periods of cold and hot weather can leave the end of the leaves damaged or brown.
As a regular customer you would be able to contact us regarding any gardening queries you may have at any time through our website or Facebook page.